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Nurturing Resilience: Self-Care, Compassionate Team Leadership and Thriving Organisations

Am I creating space to self-manage, support and manage others, actively address issues within my influence, keep connected to purpose- mine, my teams, our organisation?

What is our responsibility as leaders to enable our teams to enhance their resilience?

Even the term “Lockdown” itself can suggest a “hiding away”, a “going under”. We much prefer the script of Respond, Reset, Restart and Recovery: it is a lot more positive and allows us a sense of things we can influence and control. This of course assumes we are feeling resilient enough to do so and as we already know resilience does ebb and flow – this is reality! So we are thinking about the times when our inner critic wakens up and disrupts/distorts our thinking and ability to be as resilient as we could be. This impacts not only ourselves but those around us and then in turn the future of our businesses.

The opportunity to be grasped at, we think, is that of self-care, compassion for ourselves and others and an ability not merely to “bounce back” but, as individuals, leaders, members of team and organisations learn to:

  • Pause

  • Refocus

  • Adapt

  • Enjoy

  • Connect

  • Accept with Gratitude

  • Thrive

  • Grow

  • Achieve

How are you Responding? Resetting? Restarting? Recovery?

  • Where is your team now?

  • How are you influencing the team’s resilience as a leader?

  • Where do you need to be to enable enhanced team resilience?

We’d like to offer our insights and some useful approaches to consider to help you align your thinking and responses as we move into the next stages of living and working in this Covid world and beyond:

Self Care & Resilience

Be authentic

Have compassion for yourself

Stay connected to purpose

Let go of what you can't influence

Team Resilience

Be compassionate as a leader

Listen with fascination

Create the conditions for psychological safety

Encourage collective responsibility

Organisational Resilience

Have courageous conversations for results

Consider other perspectives

Adapt, improvise, reflect & learn

Acknowledge & celebrate success


What’s next?

For any further information do get in touch by sending an email to

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