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A remarkable 75% of executives say mentoring has been critical to their career development, according to a survey by the American Society for Training.

Mentoring Skills

A Mentor shares wisdom to foster learning and progress. How they do this, and the beliefs they hold will significantly increase the impact they have on the person they mentor i.e. the level of motivation, ability to grow and development, and most importantly, their contribution to the future success of the company.


Taylor Clarke will help you to develop a cohort of skilled mentors. We will also help you pay close attention to wider issues such as how the mentoring is promoted and supported by senior managers. This is important to ensure the right level of senior staff buy-in, gravitas and focus to deliver a mentoring programme that works for the unique needs your particular organisation.

Our Approach

Our approach is to offer highly focused intensive behavioural skills training at the same time as helping individuals cultivate the growth mindset and relationship skills that will foster a successful mentoring partnership. The main learning outcomes addressed are:


  1. Providing a clear structure for holding a mentoring conversation

  2. Helping to understand what mentoring is and what it is not

  3. Encouraging flexibility of approach within a mentoring conversation to maximise the impact the mentor has by consciously choosing how to use the full range of mentoring interventions from directive to non-directive

  4. To understand how mentoring differs from coaching, counselling and performance management

  5. To learn from direct feedback and practise of mentoring skills in pairs or trios live during the course using real situations (not role plays) that heighten engagement and learning for everyone throughout the event.


We have found that a successful mentoring scheme is critical in many modern organisations that are typically experiencing high levels of change either at senior levels, or within the organisation due to re-structure and/or merger.  Other benefits include giving more support to new and emerging talent. It also mitigates against cultural norms and those more hidden aspects of tacit knowledge required to be effective being lost as more experienced staff move on or even retire. Wisdom does not come simply from seniority, and the creative combination of mentors and mentees from across with your business and even taking in mentors from outside your business can yield great results.

For more information about Mentoring please contact us

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